Mansikkaniemi School, Iisalmi. Communal light artwork “Alli Nissinen’s corner” 2022

Kuopio University Hospital, New Heart Hospital. Artworks Flame and Ring, 2020.

In the garden, 2017, oil painting, 120×130

Madonna II, 2015, oil painting, 120×130

Detail from “Night Scenery” 2011, oil painting, 240 x 120, Restaurant Urban, Kuopio

Scarves of the Holy Mother, La Galleria, Barcelona 2013

Aquarell paintings, Barcelona Showcase, Casa Battlo 2012
All paintings 153×103 cm

Oil Paintings, Art Helsinki 2011
Both paintings 130×120 cm

Oil Paintings, Gallery G12, Helsinki 2011
From the left: Kakadu’s sad afternoon 110×120 cm, Kingfisher 60×120 cm, Kakadu’s afternoon from the series Paradoxal 130×120 cm, Scenery from the series Paradoxal 160×240 cm, Place in Heaven from the series Paradoxal 130×120 cm, Night Scenery from the series Paradoxal 240×120 cm, Siddharta II 240×110 cm, Siddharta I 240×160

Oil Paintings, Galerie Oljemark, Helsinki 2011
From the left: Paradoxal I 240×120 cm, Paradoxal II 120x61x25 cm, Paradoxal III, Paradoxal IIX 34x19x13 cm, Paradoxal IV 96x195x61 cm, Kakadu’s afternoon from the series Paradoxal 130×120 cm, Paradoxal VI 170×90 cm, Paradoxal VII 54×145 cm, Paradoxal V (Madonna) 150×120

Meri lahjoitti sen meille (The sea gifted it to us). Environmental Art Work, Winner of the SAGA 3 competition. Kuopio’ s Saaristokaupunki, Siltavahtikuja. 2010
Video about The sea gifted it to us can be watched here..

New Works 2009. Oil paintings.
From the left: Diamonds 120×150 cm, Pearls 80×190 cm, Soap Bubbles 120×150 cm

Weusi Rangi, paintings, Savonlinna Hall’ s Onnellisten Ateljee, 2009.

Hypothesis 2008, exhibition of oil paintings, Gallery Osuma, 2008, Helsinki.
From the left: Breakfast according to Pollock diam. 65 cm, Scenery diam. 100 cm, Time of the Skin, etchings to reindeer skin (3 pictures), Night of the Crane 180×180 cm, Power I 180×90 cm, Power II 180×30 cm, Night Scenery from Gotland 120×140 cm.

New Works 2007, exhibition of paintings and prints, Gallery Carree 2007, Kuopio

PitsiHole, environmental community art work, Regional Exhibition of Eastern Finland, Outokumpu Old Mine, 2008.

Mandala, communal environmental artwork, regional exhibition, Northern Savo Rotinat, 2004, Iisalmi

Tänään kotona (Home Today), woodcuts and prints, Kuopio Art Museum, 2004

unelmien lenkkipolku (jogging trail of dreams), Western Puijo and Rypysuo Environmental Art Competition, 2nd Prize, 2003

Sovituksen polku (Path of Atonement), slope of Ukko-Koli, Koli, 2000

Devotion, community artwork, Shopping Center Minna, Kuopio, 2000

Download and install Quicktime here to see the videos.
See Devotion multimedia here! (Recommended browser: Mozilla Firefox)

Bongaa Sirpa (Spot Sirpa), installation, Artists’ Association Muu, Jangva Gallery, 1997

40 – Auringonkukkaa (40 – Sunflowers), environmental artwork, Kuopio Art Museum, 1993

Joulu (Christmas), aluminium, balloons, Galleria Kapriisi, Kuopio, 1993

Wheel, oil painting, Lahti Art Institute graduation work, 1988

Other Works, (See the list below)

Works (from right to left) :

-Dagmar, acryl, iron, Joensuu Art Museum, 1992

-Tradition, photographs, bun wreath, 1995

-Olemisen sietämätön keveys (The Unbearable Lightness of Being), zinc, aluminium, Gallery Ars Libera, Kuopio, 1993

-pieni sydän (little heart), metallic net, acryl, Savon Sanomat Gallery, 1993

-Julie Andrews and Mona Lisa on the top of wonderful Australian Alps, collage